Engelska leken börjar nu...

... den som pratar svenska åker ut!

So i was googleing this phrase, (Habits die hard junior, but now I'm finished last, feeble pride) that is a pice of the beginning of Feeble Pride with Takida. The reason i did that was that i wanted to know what it stod for. Atleast the Habits die hard junior and the Feeble pride bit.

The first one was easy. Its just: Habits Die Hard, junior. Like the phrase: Let's do work son!

The otherone is stil a misstory...


As I was googleing around, i dont do much work at work, I came across this totaly unknown persons blog that had the phrase "Habits Die Hard" in one of its added contribution. So I started to read the blog and she had this fun tasked that a firend of her put on her blog and asked persons to share there awnsers.

Rules ....

1. State 8 random facts/habits about yourself in a blog post.
2. Include these rules in your post.
3. At the end of the post, tag 8 bloggers by name.
4. Leave a comment on their blog to tell them they've been tagged through your own post.

My 8 habits:

  1. I say things to people that, that perticular person dont need to hear.
  2. My eyes are atomaticly drawn to a persons butt when that person is infront of me.
  3. I quote Friends to much!
  4. I can decide on an instant matter when buying expensive stuff but i can think aboute things pros and cons for hours when it comes to cheep stuff.
  5. I am unorganized. Period.
  6. I have problem to get stuff done. But when they are done, it feels great.
  7. I hope that wealth will bring happyness. But im starting to have my doubt.
  8. I hate to complain or return stuff that i bought but dont like.

I skipp the two last points just because i dont know 8 people that have a blog. And i dont feel like it...

Så nu är jag ute ur engelska leken...

Ps. på tal om att köpa dyra saker snabbt, så var jag och köpte bilstereo saker på lunchen idag för 20k. Ds.



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